Ducklings Rescued from a Drainpipe!

Ducklings Rescued from a Drainpipe!

We love our little community 🙂

Someone walking her dog around our neighborhood lake heard some squawking coming from a nearby drainpipe. She and dog walked over to see a duck chirping madly about. She noticed the squawking was coming from a drainpipe and peered down to see some baby ducks stuck inside it. She frantically called for help and several people showed up to form a kind of assembly line, helping the little ducklings all out. It ended up taking hours and the crew worked into the late evening to get all the babies out. Mother Duck was quite happy, needless to say.

The woman worried that the ducklings would fall down the drainpipe again since it had no covering. So she reported it on and asked readers to call the HOA and voice our concerns. Well, quite a few people did – including us, of course! A cover was installed over the pipe by the end of the day.

So, first we worked collectively to get our beloved swan rescued, and now the ducklings. We’re so proud of our fellow people here who care so much about all forms of life 🙂